The Tay Cities Digital Ecosystem Group was established in November 2022, with the purpose of developing a roadmap of activity that catalyses the digital economy of Tayside through connecting and collaborating with key stakeholders across the region and developing digital projects that will support the scaling of companies, talent, new innovations and investible propositions, to grow the number of scaling digital tech companies and investment into the digital sector, outside of the central belt. 


  • Develop and accelerate delivery of a digital roadmap for the Tayside region.  
  • Explore and instigate opportunities for collaborative digital projects across Tayside digital ecosystem.  
  • Share updates and knowledge from across the Digital Tech Sector to create a more connected digital ecosystem across Tayside.  
  • Connect key stakeholders within the digital ecosystem in Tayside through networking and events.  
  • Raise the profile of digital success stories in Tayside area to attract talent and investment.  


Membership of the ecosystem group is open to key digital stakeholders across the Tayside region and wider Scottish tech sector. Membership will include a mix of industry, academic and public sector support organisations with a joint ambition to develop the digital economy of Tayside through collaborative working. 

Meeting Schedule: 

Monthly following the Unfiltered events at the cyberQuarter. In person is recommended, however we do run the meetings hybrid.  


The group has elected a chairperson to lead meetings and ensure actions within the roadmap are delivered. Accountability for the actions within the roadmap will sit with the group and be reported to the Tay Cities Digital Thematic Board on a quarterly basis. 

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